Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Labels and Icing: What do they have in common?

Well, guess I should start by saying I am sorry! Darn.....i had plans and aspirations and rules for myself about this blog (i don't know, like posting at least once a week) and then.....WHAM I get slammed with orders and my blog takes a beating! I warned you though, right? I am going to try! Anywho.... so with all the "growth" in the Sugar Fairy, I was buying lots of NECESSARY new things :) and I wasn't taking the time to organize them. My cabinets looked like my methods of organization was open, throw it in, slam the door before anything could fall out! If you know me, you know this is not OK! So on my "weekend off" the hubs and I decided we could no longer ignore the chaos and spent hours organizing our (my) kitchen! I wish I would have taken pictures before, but of course I didn't think about it til later! Oh man! Anyway this is just one example of the beauty! It makes me happy....no really, it really makes me happy! I can breath better, I can relax more, I feel at peace when everything is in it's place. I think I bought walmart out of these little containers....i don't even want to count how many I have because they might have a name of this disease I have. However, I figured something out. There is something I might like more than these containers! What, no way? What could it be? Well look at the picture.....do you see that little guy at the bottom right? Doesn't it seem that something is missing? It just doesn't have that umphff! Labels.........ahhhhh. Don't worry, it got one, I just wanted to show the difference a label can make in your life. It seems like such a small thing, maybe even unnecessary, but PLEASE don't be deceived! They are so important! Yep. ......they are like the icing on a cake......cake alone might be boring, lifeless, not as yummy! Labels are the icing on my cake!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's been a "wild" week!

well, cracks me up! this sugar fairy thing has been crazy. I love that I am busy, I love that i cant keep up, I love the nice friends and family who help me when it is midnight and the orders must go out the door the next morning! It has been a wild beginning to the sugar fairy......I say....keep it comin! I still havent figured out how to upload all my pictures into pages or albums or whatever you call it on blogger! I hope to figure it out so I can get that and a price list on here! That was the point after all! This last week was filled with fun orders: purple and teal assorted pops for a fundraiser for some great girls running a marathon (to raise money for LLS), some more purple pops, this time with lime green for a baptism, some baseball/zebra print/peace sign cookies for a dear friend who always orders when she is coming to town! Love you Ms. Jen....here's hopin you visit Wichita often....and not just for the cookies, I love to get to see you once in a while! Then to top it off, I did my first open house this last Friday. What a blast. We had like 14 vendors and lots of visitors! I had all kinds of samples.....oreo and strawberry cupcakes, brownie and cake pops, sugar cookies, and lemon ricotta cookies. Also had some items to buy and take home....Sold out of everything by 7:30. i had no idea what it would be like....i really liked what it was like :) Great to meet a bunch of new friends! Here is to another "wild" week and it just gets crazier as we go through May....watch for 2 weeks of Graduation!