Monday, April 26, 2010

Give me some sugar!

well, I have been forced, coerced, coaxed, begged, and everything in between to start a blog! (just kidding, kinda) I have been doing well with facebook so why change anything (ahem) and between baking sheets, hot ovens, 3 kids, mounds of dishes, and an occasional shower I just wasn't sure I could keep up with my actual business "The Sugar Fairy"....... and facebook........ and a bloggedy blog! Oh well, I'm gonna try it. We will see how it goes....please don't hold your breath between posts, you might get a bit blue! i hope to use this for those who don't have facebook or those (who are like me) want to stalk the adventures of The Sugar Fairy (I have plenty of blogs I frantically check everyday for updates) on both facebook and blogger. I hope that i can share lots of photos and even more fun! So........come on, show some love, give the sugar fairy a little sugar...mwah! let me know in the comments if you think this blog thing is a good idea????


  1. Mwah back atcha! You rock and so does your blog...looking forward to Friday to sample your sweets!!

  2. Laci, This is something I think you really must do! Take it from this old gal that you have found your niche!

    Good Luck, Michelle Hengel

  3. girls, thanks so much! Without you Christy, I would have never finally "took the plunge" and got this going! Thanks for the encouragement to get me started! And Michelle, you are right! I just needed a nudge to get going and thanks :)
